
17.10.2024 (四Thu) 8pm
18.10.2024 (五Fri) 8pm*
19.10.2024 (六Sat) 3pm*, 8pm

The Theatre, East Kowloon Cultural Centre
$320, $280, $200

Approximately 1 hour with no intermission.

*設演後藝人談 Post-performance Meet-the-artist session.

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日本聲音藝術家和田永(Ei Wada)及香港媒體藝術家林欣傑聯手創作,解放電器的定義,以非日常手法演奏日常,將新舊媒體再造成音樂和視覺的新媒體藝術表演,並聯同日本樂手Akira Ataka、本地說唱表演者Gold Mountain及搖滾樂隊鼓手Kittlau進行一次媒體和音樂狂想。


《再媒體重奏》為ProjectPlayaround 總結演出,此世界首演同為東九文化中心劇場首個演出,展示跨領域和地域的藝術創造力,由此為起點並前進世界。

藝術總監及演出 / 林欣傑
音樂總監及演出 / 和田永
技術總監及藝術家(影像) / 韓家俊
演出 / Akira Ataka、Gold Mountain、KITTLAU :: kittytrouble
空間設計顧問 / 勞正然
聲音設計 / 方芷晴、羅成軒
燈光設計 / TOMTOM
形象設計 / 郭家賜

Japanese sound artist Ei Wada and Hong Kong media artist Keith Lam expand the definition of electrical appliances. In this peculiar ensemble of everyday objects, "old" media are given a new life as musical and visual instruments to cook up a mixed-media musical rhapsody alongside musician Akira Ataka, local rapper Gold Mountain and drummer Kittlau.

CRT-TVs turned drums, barcode scanners turned musical instruments… Ei Wada's unique and electrifying music reimaginations have captivated audiences worldwide. Underneath what appears to be a "kuso" at first glance lies the rebirth and tribute to old electrical appliances. Keith Lam, known for his works conceived through the concept of remediation, is bringing back his previous works that nod to the readymade works of Nam June Paik and Marcel Duchamp. In addition, Remediation Ensemble introduces new musical and visual instruments devised from neon signs, revisiting the essence of digital and analogue technology, and transforming the brand-new performance venue into a heterogeneous dimension.

Remediation Ensemble is the finale performance of ProjectPlayaround. This world premiere is also the first performance to be hosted at The Theatre of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre.

Artistic Director & Performer / Keith Lam
Music Director & Performer / Ei Wada
Technical Director & Visual Artist / Seth Hon
Performer / Akira Ataka, Gold Mountain, KITTLAU :: kittytrouble
Spatial Design Advisor / Ryan Lo          
Sound Design / Allison Fong, Hin Lo 
Lighting Design / TOMTOM
Image Design / Kary Kwok

“Remediation Ensemble” is one of the “Unbox EKCC” programmes of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre & one of the contribution programmes of The 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival

ProjectPlayaround © 2024