

8月的階段性展覽Showcase: FIRSTAGE呈現多個風格迥異的跨界作品,探索跨界創作可能性。其中作品《思纏迷蹤》將於10月17-19日期間再於東九文化中心4樓創藝間1展出。創作團隊吸收了展演時獲得的不同意見,「重現」為觀眾帶來作品2.0,場域空間及聲音體驗設計都與上次不同!


Last summer’s ProjectPlayaround Showcase: FIRSTAGE featured a variety of cross-disciplinary works, exploring the possibilities of creative collaboration. Among the featured groups, "Tangled Obsessions" will be exhibited again from 17-19 October at the Incubator 1 of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre. The creative team has incorporated constructive feedback received during the showcase, presenting a version two of the work for audiences. Both the spatial design and sound experience will differ from the last presentation!

Merged soundscapes and projections are applied to create a multimedia art installation that provides two different perspectives on the internal pressures and anxieties faced by individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), aiming to dispel misunderstandings. As spectators freely navigate the exhibition space, they are invited to step into the inner world of these patients, empathising with their struggles, societal judgement, and the intricate interplay between them.

概念及音響設計 Concept & Sound Design / 周鍵聰 kChung, 方芷晴 Allison Fong
作曲 Composition / 周鍵聰 kChung
影像設計 Visual Design / 蔡秉謙 Tom Choi
佈景設計 Set Design / 張倩雯 Cheung Sin Man (SM)
編舞/形體指導 Choreography / 成栩萾 Cherry Shing
舞者 Dancer / 孫泳詩 Sun Wing Sze
攝影 Cinematography / 梁紫姗 Leung Tsz Shan

日期及時間 Date & Time:
17-18.10.2024 (四至五 Thu-Fri)  5pm - 9pm
19.10.2024 (六 Sat) 11am - 8pm

地點 Location: 東九文化中心四樓創藝間一 Incubator 1, 4/F, East Kowloon Cultural Centre
備註 Remark: 無須登記,費用全免 Free admission, no registration required

節目場刊 Programme note



The creative team constructs a unique theatre space at the thrust stage of The Theatre of East Kowloon Cultural Centre for the first time. Join the Stage Tour to explore various “musical” instruments of the performance, and gain a deeper understanding of the process of this cross-disciplinary production.

日期 Date: 19.10.2024 (六Sat)
時間 Time: 11am-11:45am
地點 Location: 東九文化中心劇場 The Theatre, East Kowloon Cultural Centre
費用 Fee: HKD$50
語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese




Centered on antenna-transmitted videography, the installation performance delves into the essence of technology. Embracing the inherent susceptibility of analog signals to interference, conventional CRT broadcasts transcends from their single origin, into an ever-evolving audiovisual scene.

Incorporating live performances and mobile TV devices, the work cultivates a state of fragmentation and anarchy, morphing into an ever-evolving visual landscape. Visual signals on the screen are instantaneously converted into sound, broadcasting electrical signals that envelop the audience in a world of visual and auditory interference.

日期及時間 Date & Time:
17-19.10.2024 (四至六 Thu-Sat) 7:35pm - 7:45pm
19.10.2024 (六 Sat) 2:35pm - 2:45pm

地點 Location: 東九文化中心中庭 The Atrium, East Kowloon Cultural Centre
備註 Remark: 只限持劇場門票觀眾 Only available to theatre ticket holders

ProjectPlayaround 獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助
Dimension Plus 為東九文化中心場地伙伴


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